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What are Speed Cushions?

Are you looking for an innovative way to control speeding traffic in your community? Speed cushions offer an ideal solution for reducing traffic speed and improving overall safety. Speed cushions are a type of traffic calming measure that are an alternative to speed humps, providing a gentler option for traffic calming. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at what speed cushions are and how they can provide an effective solution for controlling traffic in your community. We’ll also discuss their benefits and drawbacks, as well as provide some tips on how to design and install speed cushions. With the right design and installation, speed cushions can be an effective way to reduce vehicle speed and improve pedestrian safety.

Advantages of Speed Cushions

Speed cushions are an innovative solution for traffic control. They are designed to slow down road traffic by causing vehicles to reduce speed over the installation. They provide increased safety for both drivers and pedestrians, while also decreasing noise and vibration levels.

The main advantage of speed cushions is that they are easy to install and maintain. They can be placed in any area where it is necessary to reduce speed and can be easily adjusted to account for different levels of traffic. They are also cheaper and more cost-effective than other traffic control solutions.

Speed cushions also provide a smoother ride than traditional speed bumps, as they are designed with a low-profile and rounded edge. This means that vehicles that hit them will not experience large jolts, resulting in a smoother ride for drivers.

Another advantage of speed cushions is that they are easier to notice than speed bumps. They can be easily seen from a distance due to their bright colors and reflective materials, making them more visible to drivers. This helps to ensure that drivers are aware of the speed restrictions.

Speed cushions can also act as an effective deterrent to speeding. By reducing the speed of traffic, they help to encourage drivers to obey speed limit regulations. This can help to reduce the number of traffic accidents, as well as the amount of time vehicles spend driving at excessive speeds.

Overall, speed cushions are an efficient and effective solution for traffic control. They are easy to install and maintain, provide a smoother ride for drivers, and can act as an effective deterrent for speeding. As such, they can help to increase the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.

Reduces Traffic Speeds

Speed cushions are an innovative solution for controlling and reducing traffic speeds. Speed cushions are raised rubberized platforms that are installed into the roadway. Speed cushions have a raised hump in the center, and are designed to slow traffic without affecting an area’s general mobility.

Speed cushions are particularly effective when placed in residential neighborhoods or areas with high foot traffic. The speed cushion serves as a physical reminder and deterrent to drivers that the area requires low speed limits. When installed correctly, speed cushions can reduce vehicular speeds by up to 10%, which helps to make streets safer and more hospitable for residents.

Instead of being solid pieces of asphalt, speed cushions are made of rubberized material which reduces the noise, vibration, and air pollution caused by car and truck traffic. This is particularly beneficial in areas that have a large amount of foot traffic, as the noise from passing cars can be a nuisance and distraction. Additionally, the raised hump in the center of the speed cushion is designed to maintain the proper flow of traffic, as vehicles need to slow down and then accelerate back up to full speed. This prevents drivers from merging abruptly or making sudden turns, which can result in collisions.

Speed cushions are also a cost-effective solution for traffic control, as they’re comparatively inexpensive to install and easy to maintain. They require little to no additional infrastructure, and can be installed quickly, making them an ideal solution for controlling speed without disrupting existing roadways.

Overall, speed cushions are a great way to reduce traffic speeds and make roads more safe and comfortable for pedestrians. They’re effective, cost efficient, and can be installed quickly and easily. If you’re looking for a way to reduce traffic speeds, speed cushions are an innovative solution to consider.

Improves Pedestrian Safety

Speed cushions are an innovative method for improving pedestrian safety and controlling traffic by reducing vehicle speeds in a designated area. Speed cushions are raised asphalt pads that are installed across a roadway to create an alternating-width speed hump. This method of traffic control has become popular in many cities, particularly those with high pedestrian traffic.

Speed cushions are designed to reduce the speed of vehicles, while allowing smoother movement for pedestrians and emergency vehicles. The alternating-width pattern of the speed cushions creates an alternating-width speed hump that allows emergency vehicles to pass over it without slowing down significantly. Speed cushions also provide an effective means of traffic calming as they are visible to drivers, creating an awareness of the presence of pedestrians in the area.

Speed cushions are also beneficial for cities that must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as they are designed to reduce the speed of vehicles to the appropriate ADA-required speed for wheelchair access. The raised asphalt pads provide wheelchair users with a smoother surface for easier access. Additionally, speed cushions can also provide access for people with reduced mobility.

Overall, Speed cushions are an effective and innovative solution for improving pedestrian safety and controlling traffic by reducing vehicle speeds in a designated area. By creating an awareness of the presence of pedestrians, speed cushions create a safer environment for pedestrians and reduce the risk of injury or harm. Additionally, speed cushions provide an ADA-compliant means of traffic calming and a smoother surface for wheelchair access.

Reduces Vehicle Wear and Tear

Speed cushions are a great way for municipalities or transport authorities to help reduce vehicle wear and tear and keep traffic flowing smoothly. Speed cushions are designed to help control the speed of vehicles in urban environments or near residential areas. They are designed to be as comfortable as possible for drivers and pedestrians, while still providing effective traffic control.

Speed cushions are usually placed in a series of two or three, spaced at specific intervals. When a vehicle passes over them, the height of the cushion causes the vehicle to slow down due to the reduced road contact area. This reduced speed helps to reduce driver fatigue, as well as the wear on vehicle components such as tires, suspension and brakes.

In addition to reducing the wear and tear on vehicles, speed cushions help to reduce the number of accidents that take place near residential areas. Because speed cushions reduce the speed of vehicles, they help decrease the likelihood of crashes between cars and pedestrians or cyclists. Additionally, they help to reduce the overall speed of traffic in the area, making it easier for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users to cross the street safely.

The advantages of speed cushions also extend beyond just reducing wear and tear on vehicles. By slowing traffic speeds in residential areas, speed cushions can help create quieter, more peaceful neighborhoods. Additionally, because speed cushions are designed to be as comfortable as possible to drivers and pedestrians, they can be used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of an area, creating a more inviting atmosphere for residents.

In conclusion, speed cushions are a great way for municipalities or transport authorities to improve traffic control and reduce vehicle wear and tear. By slowing down traffic speeds, speed cushions help reduce the number of accidents in residential areas and create a more inviting environment for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. They also help reduce vehicle wear and tear, allowing drivers to save money on maintenance costs.

Disadvantages of Speed Cushions

Speed cushions are a relatively new and innovative traffic control measure that can be used to reduce the speed of vehicles on roads and highways, but they can also come with a few disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks of using speed cushions is that they can be uncomfortable for passengers in the car, especially if the car is traveling at a high speed. Additionally, speed cushions can cause a vehicle to bounce or jolt, which can be distracting for the driver and create a safety risk.

Another disadvantage of speed cushions is that they can actually impede traffic flow. Since speed cushions are slightly raised, they can be difficult for vehicles to drive over quickly. This can slow down traffic flow, especially if the car has to slow down to go over the speed cushion.

In addition, speed cushions take up more space on the road than other traffic control measures. Since they are raised, they occupy more space on the road than something like a speed bump or speed hump. This can be an issue if the road is already congested or if the speed cushion is installed near a curve, as it can cause an obstruction.

Finally, speed cushions can be expensive to install and maintain. Compared to other traffic calming measures, such as speed bumps or traffic circles, speed cushions can be more costly as they require more material and a larger area to be installed. Moreover, speed cushions must be regularly maintained, as they can become worn out or damaged over time.

Overall, speed cushions can be an effective traffic control measure but they do come with some drawbacks. It is important to consider the drawbacks of speed cushions along with the benefits before making a decision about whether or not to install them.

Increased Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a growing environmental concern, as it can lead to physical and mental health problems. A number of studies have found that noise pollution is linked to increased levels of stress and anxiety, disturbed sleep, fatigue, impaired cognitive functioning, and even heart disease.

As cities become more populated, the increase in traffic on the roads leads to an increase in noise pollution. One of the most effective solutions to reduce noise pollution is the implementation of speed cushions. These traffic-calming devices are designed to slow down vehicles and reduce noise levels by restricting the speed of vehicles.

Speed cushions are generally installed in areas where noise pollution is a problem and are made up of three to five speed humps placed in the middle of a road. They are constructed from rubber or asphalt, and are typically raised 5 to 7 centimeters above the road surface. When a vehicle passes over a speed cushion, the vehicle is forced to slow down as the tyres bounce over the raised bumps. This in turn decreases the noise levels produced by the vehicle, helping to reduce noise pollution.

Another benefit of using speed cushions is that they are effective in controlling traffic speed, as opposed to traditional speed bumps which are more difficult to cross over at a higher speed. Speed cushions are also more visually appealing than speed bumps, and therefore have a less negative impact on the surrounding environment.

Overall, speed cushions provide a relatively simple solution to reduce noise pollution by forcing drivers to slow down and reducing the loud noises produced by vehicles. By installing these cushions in areas that experience high levels of noise pollution, municipalities could help to improve air quality and reduce the health risks associated with noise pollution.

Difficult to Install and Maintain

The installation and maintenance of speed cushions is often a difficult and tedious process. For starters, installation requires the use of a truck that can lift and transport the cushions to the site, along with the specialized equipment needed to mount them into place. It is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled labor and precision in order to ensure a secure and effective installation. Additionally, the installation of speed cushions involves making alterations to the pavement itself, which in turn could take several hours to complete.

Furthermore, the maintenance of speed cushions is critical to their sustained operation and effectiveness. Speed cushions are often made from durable materials such as rubber, but they are still susceptible to weathering and wear-and-tear over time. As such, regular inspection of the cushions and pavement is essential in order to ensure a safe and proper operation of the speed cushions. Moreover, any repairs or replacements that are needed are typically a time consuming and costly process. Whether it be patching the cushion or the pavement, or completely replacing the cushion, the process of maintenance can be lengthy and costly.

Overall, speed cushions can be an effective and innovative solution for traffic control, but it is important to consider the effort and cost involved with their installation and maintenance. Investing in a reliable team of professionals is a must when considering the implementation of speed cushions, as is being proactive with routine inspections and maintenance. Without proper installation and maintenance, speed cushions can easily become hazardous and ineffective.

Inconsistent Response from Drivers

The effectiveness of speed cushions as a traffic control solution has not gone unnoticed, however, it has been met with inconsistent responses from drivers. In some cases, drivers have been able to slow down to the correct speed when approaching the speed cushions but have failed to maintain the speed limit afterwards. This indicates that drivers may simply be slowing down when they see the speed cushions in order to avoid a ticket or a collision, but are not necessarily taking the necessary steps to maintain the speed limit.

One issue could be related to the design of the speed cushions as they may not be placed in an effective position for drivers to spot them in time to slow down. It has also been suggested that drivers frequently fail to notice the speed cushions, even though they are highly visible. This suggests that drivers may be distracted due to phone usage, or may simply be speeding with the expectation that their speed will go unnoticed.

Moreover, drivers have been observed to reduce their speed when approaching the speed cushions, but then accelerate afterwards. This could be attributed to drivers’ lack of awareness of the speed limit, or their conscious decision to speed after the speed cushion to make up for the speed reduction.

Overall, there is an apparent inconsistency in drivers’ responses to speed cushions, with some drivers slowing down and others speeding up. If this issue is not addressed, the effectiveness of speed cushions as a traffic control solution will be reduced. To mitigate this issue, further research into driver behavior and how it affects their response to speed cushions is necessary. Additionally, better communication between drivers and the authorities responsible for implementing speed cushions needs to be established in order to ensure that drivers adhere to the speed limit.


In conclusion, speed cushions are an innovative solution for controlling traffic on residential roads. With the promise of reducing speeds without the need for costly speed bumps and humps, speed cushions offer a practical solution to traffic calming problems in urban and suburban areas. When compared to speed humps, speed cushions are more effective in reducing speeds while still allowing emergency vehicles to travel safely and quickly. Additionally, speed cushions require less maintenance and often last significantly longer than speed humps.

Speed cushions have been found to be especially effective when used in conjunction with other traffic-calming devices, such as stop signs and traffic signals. This makes them a great addition to any traffic-calming plan, as they provide an extra layer of protection for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users.

Finally, speed cushions are relatively affordable compared to other traffic-calming measures, making them a cost-effective solution for city and county governments as well as private businesses. With the right implementation and maintenance, speed cushions can provide a safe and efficient way to reduce traffic speeds in residential areas.