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We often encounter speed humps while driving, but how many of us stop to consider their purpose? Speed humps play an integral role in traffic control, especially in areas where maintaining smooth yet controlled traffic flow is essential. In this article, we’ll explore how speed humps contribute to road safety and the best environments for their installation.

What Are Speed Humps?

Unlike speed bumps, speed humps are longer, more gradual traffic-calming devices that slow vehicles to 10-15 mph rather than a full stop. They span a wider portion of the roadway, making them ideal for locations where a moderate, controlled speed is preferable without severely interrupting traffic flow.

The Safety Benefits of Speed Humps

1. Traffic Flow Regulation:
Speed humps are perfect for areas where traffic should flow smoothly but at a slower speed. They are commonly used in residential neighborhoods, long stretches of roadway, and areas with moderate traffic volume.

2. Reduced Risk of Accidents:
By encouraging drivers to maintain a lower speed, speed humps decrease the likelihood of accidents, especially in areas with cyclists or pedestrians. Their longer profile ensures that vehicles reduce speed gradually rather than abruptly.

3. Noise Reduction Compared to Speed Bumps:
One major benefit of speed humps over speed bumps is the reduced noise. Since vehicles are not forced to stop suddenly, the noise generated from braking and accelerating is minimized.

Ideal Locations for Speed Humps

Residential Streets:
Speed humps are excellent for residential streets where it’s important to control traffic without severely disrupting flow. Drivers can maintain a moderate speed, ensuring safety while reducing noise levels.

Long Roads in Urban Areas:
For urban areas with long stretches of road, speed humps offer a way to slow down vehicles gradually, preventing speeding and ensuring compliance with traffic laws.

School Zones and Public Parks:
Like speed bumps, speed humps are effective near schools and parks, where pedestrian safety is paramount. Their gentler design helps drivers maintain awareness without creating abrupt stops.

Material and Durability

Speed humps are commonly made from durable materials such as rubber and asphalt. Rubber speed humps are particularly advantageous as they are weather-resistant, easy to install, and provide a longer lifespan with minimal maintenance.

Interested in learning more about traffic calming solutions? Discover our high-quality Speed Humps designed for safety and efficiency.